WGA Professional Services
WGA Professional Services is a cost effective non-attorney alternative that is dedicated to providing businesses and individuals with various services and legal document solutions for self litigants. We are committed to ensuring our customers receive the most accurate and verified information to resolve any issues they may be facing. We look forward to providing you excellent service.
(626) 826-6302
A Legal Document Assistant (LDA) is an experienced professional who is authorized under California law to assist the public in preparing legal documents for consumers. However, an LDA is not an attorney, and cannot provide legal advice, or represent individuals in court.
Legal Document Assistants are governed under Business & Professions Code, Section 6400, et. seq.
Depend on Us for Your Legal Document Preparation
Turn to the bonded and registered professionals (Using anyone who isn't is like using an unlicensed contractor. Maybe they know what they're doing, maybe they don't.) At WGA Professional Services we are able to Help, a live person will prepare your forms. A live person will use the resources available here and elsewhere to help answer your questions.
We can't give legal advice, but we can provide published factual information that was written or approved by an attorney and published legal documents. We can help provide published legal documents and complete them with the specific information you provide. WGA Professional Services can serve papers on the other party, file your documents in court for you and generally help you through process of representing yourself, all at as little as 10% of what attorneys charge.